ParkinGO Malpensa news
Within next month at ParkinGO Malpensa, the new internal mobility system will be accomplished together with the installation of roofing platforms in car delivering area with the aim of improving the management of the increasing inflow of clients in respect of quality and security standards.
Along with technology already operating, we have replaced all the cameras with a brand new FullHD scanner to control all vehicles coming into and going out our ParkinGO. This latest generation system guarantees the highest transparency and accuracy for the clients. Park Scanner will be soon available at all ParkinGO locations.
Among other evolutions, the inversion of the route that directs the incoming vehicles nearside the reception office granting more lanes for departing clients. Shuttle buses have a dedicated entrance and a special lane and attend and release the clients on the opposite side. The service area, shortly equipped with roofing platforms, houses the cars to be reconsigned all ready for the exit. The new way out, introduced several months ago, is equipped with authomatic bars and pilomat system actived by univocal bar code recognition that each client will find inside the car.